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Blog Articles

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Mango fruit fly- A menace in King of fruits

Mango, recognized as the national fruit of India, holds significant cultural and economic importance across the country.

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Amino Acids: Understanding Science Behind the Building Blocks of Healthy Plants

Amino acids are the building blocks of peptides and proteins. Each amino acid has a central carbon atom

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Multiplex Bio-strike: A synergic energy of Neem and Pongamia

Insect management is crucial for successful agricultural production. Many commercially grown crops are affected by insect damage.

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Amino acids as chelating agents

Chelation is a chemical process where a substance forms a complex with a metal ion, effectively binding it and increasing its bioavailability.

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Revolutionizing Multiplex M- Drone in Agriculture

India has varied agro climatic conditions which makes it fit for growing various agricultural, and horticultural crops across the country.

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Nutrient Deficiencies and Remedies

Identify the Nutrient Deficiencies in your plants and Buy the best multiplex products.

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Black Thrips the Story from Invasive to a Major Pest in Chilli

India is the largest producer and exporter of chillies contributing to almost one-fourth of the world’s production.

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The Red Spider Mite

The Tetranychidae family, also known as "Spider Mites," are among the most significant phytophagous mite pests of agriculture worldwide.

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Minchu Plus for Pink Bollworm

Cotton is the most important commercial crop globally, often referred to as "white gold".

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मिट्टी परीक्षण क्या है?

फसल की अधिक उत्पादन एवं स्वस्थ विकास के लिए आवश्यक पोषक तत्वों की मिटटी में उपलब्ध मात्राओं का रासायनिक परीक्षणों द्वारा आंकलन करना ही मृदा परीक्षण कहलाता है।

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Micronutrients in Crop Production

Large numbers of research workers are studying the importance of micronutrients in crop production all over the world.