Plant derived broad spectrum bio-pesticide with different modes of action against pests
Strong repellant odour effectively prevents insects from sucking or eating plant parts.
Prevents insects from developing resistance against Chemical pesticides
An eco-friendly and hence leaves no toxic residues.
Prevents crop loss due to pest attack.
Active Ingredients
Neem Oil, Pongamia Oil and Vegetable Oils
Mode of Action
The synergistic formulation consisting of active metabolites like natural flavonoids and fatty acids possessing larvicidal, ovicidal, antifeedant and repellent properties. These ingredients disrupt the growth processes of insects by regulating metamorphosis hormones which are very much important for growth & development of any insect.
Target Pests:
Effective against large number of insects like Plant hoppers, Aphids, Psyllids, white flies, scale insects, Thrips, Gall midges, Fruit flies, Stem Borer and fruit Borer.
Dosage & Methods of Application
Mix 2.5 ml of Multiplex Bio Strike in one litre of water and spray on plants. It is highly effective when used as a Preventive/ Prophylactic application. We recommend regular sprays at an interval of 20 to 25 days.