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  • Fruit flies cause heavy fruit drop and by harvest can inflict 25 -70% loss.
  • Aakarshan is a cost-effective pheromone trap for surveillance and monitoring of multiple species fruit flies.
  • This is a unique pheromone trap which consists of rainfast and slow-release lure - having upto 90 days of field life.

Special Features

  • Aakarshan is a unique pheromone trap which has rainfast, slowrelease, and lure - with a field life of up to 90 days resulting in 20% more trap catch efficiency.


Active Ingredients

  • Methyl eugenol and inert components


  • Mango, Guava, Sapota, Custurd apple (sithaphal), Citrus, Plums etc.

Target Pests

  • Bactrocera dorsalis, B. zonata, B. correcta, B. caryae etc.
  • Among these fruit flies Batrocera dorsalis cause heavy fruit drop and by harvest can inflict 25 -70% loss.

Damage Symptoms

  •  Infested fruits show oviposition punctures and typically become prematurely soft (with air pockets).
  • Later they rot and exit holes in rotten area can be seen.
  • The presence of maggots confirms the symptoms

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • Tie 6 traps for an acre

Time of Erection

  • Traps should be erected when fruits are marble size

Available Package

  • (1 X 6) X 10
  • Separate Lures also Available  Packing  (1 X 30) X 4


Advantages of using AAKARSHAN(FRUIT FLY)
  • Environment friendly
  • Attract pest from long distances and dissipate rapidly
  • No risk to human health and environment
  • Important component of Integrated Pest Management
  • Important component of Organic Farming