Fruit flies cause heavy fruit drop and by harvest can inflict 25 -70% loss.
Aakarshan is a cost-effective pheromone trap for surveillance and monitoring of multiple species fruit flies.
This is a unique pheromone trap which consists of rainfast and slow-release lure - having upto 90 days of field life.
Special Features
Aakarshan is a unique pheromone trap which has rainfast, slowrelease, and lure - with a field life of up to 90 days resulting in 20% more trap catch efficiency.
Active Ingredients
Methyl eugenol and inert components
Mango, Guava, Sapota, Custurd apple (sithaphal), Citrus, Plums etc.
Target Pests
Bactrocera dorsalis, B. zonata, B. correcta, B. caryae etc.
Among these fruit flies Batrocera dorsalis cause heavy fruit drop and by harvest can inflict 25 -70% loss.
Damage Symptoms
Infested fruits show oviposition punctures and typically become prematurely soft (with air pockets).
Later they rot and exit holes in rotten area can be seen.
The presence of maggots confirms the symptoms
Dosage & Methods of Application
Tie 6 traps for an acre
Time of Erection
Traps should be erected when fruits are marble size
Available Package
(1 X 6) X 10
Separate Lures also Available Packing (1 X 30) X 4
Advantages of using AAKARSHAN(FRUIT FLY)
Environment friendly
Attract pest from long distances and dissipate rapidly